Whoopee was Fleetways third longest running comic, and it packed up and joined Whizzer and Chips on the week following 6th April 1985. With it came many classics such as Boy Boss, bookworm, calculator kid, the bumpkin billionaires and more.
In 1989, Whizzer and chips did one last merge - with the scarce scouse mouse comic. The sub-title was dropped after 6 issues, and the scouse mouse stories were dropped in early 1990.Scouse Mouse issue 5, March 1989 (Above).
A few years later Whizzer and Chips changed their logo for the last time, to a more modern, computerise design. By 1990, it was just one comic and was filled with reprints. Then, on 27th October 1990, it too packed up, becoming Fleetway's second most popular title.It joined the companies only surving comic - Buster.
First Buster Whizzer and chips (above). Last Buster with Whizzer and chips (below).
Buster struggled on until 1995, when it became fortnightly. It too started featuring reprints on almost every other page. But still it struggled on through the decade. At the turn of the century however, it died. Buster was last sold on 4th January 2000.
Final issue of Buster (above).
My other blog: http://www.whackycomics.blogspot.com/
Beano: www.beano.com - The official website. Beezer: http://thebeezersgoldenyears.blogspot.com Broons and Oor Wullie: www.thatsbraw.co.uk Buster: http://www.bustercomic.co.uk/ Cheeky weekly: http://www.cheekyweekly.blogspot.com/ Commando: www.commandocomics.com This isn't a fan site but the official website. Dandy: http://www.dandy.com/ - the official website. Knockout: http://knockoutcomic1970s.blogspot.com/ - Shows all the covers and more! Oink: http://www.notbbc.netmx.co.uk/ Comics UK: www.comicsuk.co.uk - Al's very useful website with lots of images and galleries. Highly reccomend a visit! Nigel Parkinson: http://nigelparkinsoncartoons.blogspot.com Trevor Metcalfe: www.trevortoons.com Colin Whittock: www.colinwhittock.co.uk Leo Baxendale: www.reaper.co.uk Lew Stringer: http://lewstringer.blogspot.com/ Mark Bennington: http://markbenningtoncartoons.com/ Peter Gray: http://petergraycartoonsandcomics.blogspot.com/ - This is an intresting fansite about comics! Andy Fanton: www.andyfanton.com Andy also has the Carrotty Kid page: http://www.carrottykid.com/! Rick Eades: http://www.rickeades.co.uk/. Also, he has an online comic called Klank comic. Visit it here: http://www.klankcomic.blogspot.com/ or simply go to his blog: http://eadesmust.livejournal.com/! Phew! Tony Husband: http://www.tonyhusband.co.uk/ Jack Edward Oliver: http://www.jeoliver.co.uk/ - Yes, we know he's dead :( Jamie Smart: http://www.fumboo.com/ The Etherington brothers: http://theetheringtonbrothers.blogspot.com/ Will Dawbarn: http://www.willdawbarn.co.uk/ Artist of Mr Meecher, the uncool teacher. Steve Beckett: http://sjbeckettdesign.blogspot.com/ Stu Munro's Ray the Otter: http://raytheotter.blogspot.com Fleetway street: www.toonhound.com/flcomics.htm - Part of Toonhound. Tony's Trading: www.tonystrading.co.uk - Has some useful annual galleries. Lambiek: http://lambiek.net/ - Has some very useful information. The Beano Review: http://beanoreview.com/ Page by page of Krazy 2nd April 1977: http://www.cookdandbombd.co.uk/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=3553b69894d26516b0e2e1b2b8005d53&topic=14121.msg663983#msg663983 British comics blog: http://britishcomicsblog.blogspot.com Email me if you have a comic fan website that you would like to see listed here (free). If you would like to know any other information or would like to contribute to the website please do not hesitate to email at: whizzerandchips@live.com Thank - you to everyone who has made this fan page possible.