
Lend a Hand!

If you can help with any of the below please let me know via email or in the comments section below. My email is:

All the artists for the first issue have been identified at last! Thanks to everybody who helped!

Does anybody know the exact issue when the 'And' became all capitals and/or in the famous Fleetway font? Below is a scan from 4th July 1970, with the capital 'and'. Thanks to Robbie Moubert who has narrowed it down between 21st Feburary 1970 and 4th April 1970!


  1. I would say Willie Bunk is indeed by Frank.

  2. Excellent! Thank's for clearing that up!

  3. Watford Gapp is Barrie Appleby - no doubt about it.

  4. The outline around Whizzer was added with the third issue. The "and" was a similar typeface to that used on the first two but with a different "a". This was still in use on the February 21st 1970 issue that had the Luner Launcher free gift and introduced Super Dad and Jimmy Jekyll & Master Hyde. The Fleetway "AND" is present on the April 4th edition so the change happened between these issues. Afraid I can't narrow it down any more than that. I've e-mailed you a scan of the issue three masthead along with the christmas '69 one which has another variation.

    1. Cheers Robbie! I've updated 'The History' - thanks for the scans - much appreciated! You've narrowed it down much more than I could have!

  5. Hot Rod is illustrated by Alf Saporito.

  6. Kings of the Castle is by Mike Western.
