
Monday, May 21, 2012

A closer look....

The above issue came out on 7th November 1987. Now let's just take a closer look at that cover....
Tom Paterson, the artist for the cover, wins the Warthog Shaving contest! Hooray!

Odd Ball's Fuel

When we first saw Odd Ball in 1969 we discovered that his favourite food was grass. Twenty years later, in 1989, he's still munching away at it!

To see Odd Ball's complete character profile, click here!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Comic Advertising Flyer

This is one of the 'pink flyers' that was given away inside comics. This one probably came with Smash! This one reveals that Whizzer and Chips came out on 13th October 1969, but if it had been sold a week before it's cover date it would have gone on sale on the 11th.